
The management of all hardware systems and the overall dispensing process are completedthrough the PIVAS management software

Automatic review of prescriptions: support the review ofcontraindications in the process of drug matching; Reviewsof contraindications and interactions with solvents; Supportcontraindicated solvent and interaction reviews in drugsolvent processes; Dosage, support the review of drug usageand dosage

Bottle label batch: support different rules for differentwards; set batches according to usage, and support the useof separate rules for different wards

Bottle label check: Support the verification of PC gunscanning when placing and discharging drugs,PC gunscanning and verification when entering or leaving thewarehouse.the configuration and verification of PC gunscanning, scanning and checking of PC barcode scannerduring packaging

Multiple accounting methods: Support pre-bookkeepingwhen the billing of prescription is completed, it will betransmitted to PIVASand the PIVAS system will completethe subsequent work; Support post-bookkeeping, theprescription can be sent to PIVAS without billing, the PIVASsystem scans the billing before the configuration next day.and determines whether the potion bag is configuredaccording to the billing

Automatic judgment of drug withdrawal: the doctor'sprescription is pre-stopped,accordine to the stop timerjudgment, if the system detects that the stop timer isexceeded, the doctor's prescription is automatically judged tostop, and the bottle tag can be marked as a drug withdrawal

Basic data maintenance: support the maintenance of theauthority of PIVAS personnel: support workload statisticssupport the maintenance of ward, drug inventories, batchrules, and the audit knowledge base